Farmers Advocating for Organic Grant

The Farmers Advocating for Organic Grant from Organic Valley funds research, education and advocacy projects in the field of organic farming. All money comes from voluntary contributions made by Organic Valley farmers.

One time grants of $5,000 – $50,000 are available; the average grant is $20,000. Letters of Interest are accepted during two annual grant cycles; the next deadline will be announced in April 2023. Submissions will receive a response within two weeks and, if approved, will be invited to submit a full application.


This grant is open to:

  • Nonprofit organizations in the United States
  • Academic/research institutions

The organization’s reach should also extend beyond the geographic area in which they are located.

Current Priorities

Projects that focus on the following topics will receive priority consideration.

  • Benefiting family organic farmers who produce fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk, meat, and grain/forage
  • Organic soil health and biology
  • Strengthening CROPP Cooperative

All projects should advance Farmers Advocating for Organic’s mission: “to protect and promote the organic industry and the livelihood of organic farmers.”

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