Category Archives: General/Multi-category

The Mellon Foundation

The Mellon Foundation supports arts and humanities projects around the world. Their goal is to build communities in which imagination and ideas flourish and people can create meaning. Grants are awarded in four core areas each of which is guided by three strategies: Arts and Culture, Higher Learning, Humanities in Place, and Public Knowledge.

Interested applicants may submit an inquiry at any time. If Foundation staff believe the proposed project is a good fit for their priorities, they will invite you to submit a full proposal. Do not submit to more than one core area.


This grant is open to:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in the United States
  • International organizations with their country’s equivalent designation.
  • Colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education (Higher Learning)
  • For-profit organizations or international organizations without a charitable designation at the Foundation’s discretion

Grant Types

Grants may be subject to matching requirements.

  • Spendable Grants – For a specific project, to be spent in accordance with the timeline and budget in the application
  • Endowment Grants – Establishes institutional funds with spending limits per the application, grant agreement, and any state laws
  • General Operating Grants – Supports the grantee’s core operations and overall mission

Core Areas

Arts and Culture

  • Strategy One – Supporting visionary artists and practitioners and the participatory roles they play across institutions and communities.
  • Strategy Two – Supporting exceptional organizations and artists that have been historically under-resourced, including the creation, conservation, and preservation of their artwork, histories, collections, and traditions. 
  • Strategy Three – Creating scaffolding for experiments with new economic paradigms and institutional models that center equity and justice and creative problem-solving in arts and culture.  

The Foundation works with individual artists, scholars, arts organizations, and conservators to cultivate innovative works of art. They seek to ground the arts in the community as a part of a thriving society and create change by making the arts more equitable.

Higher Learning

  • Strategy One – Elevating the knowledge that informs more complete and accurate narratives of the human experience and lays the foundation for more just and equitable futures.
  • Strategy Two – Accelerating the demographic transformation of US academic faculties and institutional leadership to better reflect the population and center humanities expertise.
  • Strategy Three – Creating equitable broader access to humanities higher learning opportunities.

Colleges, universities, and other institutions of higher education interested in pursuing one or more of these strategies may apply.

Humanities in Place

  • Strategy One – Keep and Shape Our Places
  • Strategy Two – Evolve Our Institutions
  • Strategy Three – Promote Greater Engagement and Understanding

Organizations such as history museums, heritage areas, and the media may apply for funding to promote a more diverse, nuanced view of American life and history. The Foundation is looking for novel approaches that challenge the traditional narrative and tell a more inclusive story about the American experience.

Public Knowledge

  • Strategy One – Preserving original source materials in all formats, including web-based content, with focus on materials from historically underrepresented cultures and populations. 
  • Strategy Two – Supporting the innovative maintenance and sustainability of technology, tools, and infrastructure for content related to the Foundation’s social justice orientation.
  • Strategy Three – Creating and strengthening networks for the interdependent sharing of resources, services, and collections.

The Public Knowledge program focuses on the conservation of knowledge through preserving physical and digital records. They seek to increase both access to these resources and the amount of documentation representing marginalized communities. This program is an ideal fit for libraries, archives, and presses.

Kroger Community Donations

The Kroger Family of Companies support organizations working to make their communities better. Through their Community Donations, they back projects that create a positive social impact.

Nonprofit organizations can request donations of money, products, or gift cards on a rolling basis.

Project Areas

Kroger supports projects that focus on:

  • Zero Hunger / Zero Waste
  • Diversity & Inclusion
  • Health & Nutrition
  • Education & Youth Development
  • Disaster Relief
  • Stronger Communities

Allowable Expenses

Donations may be used to fund:

  • General operating support
  • Specific program support
  • Events (e.g. galas, conferences, races)


Applicants must make their request through the store closest to their location. This can be done through any of the stores in the Kroger Family:

  • Baker’s
  • City Market
  • Dillons
  • Food 4 Less
  • Foods Co
  • Fred Meyer
  • Fry’s
  • Gerbes
  • Jay C Food Store
  • King Soopers
  • Kroger
  • Mariano’s
  • Metro Market
  • Pay-Less Super Markets
  • Pick’n Save
  • QFC
  • Ralphs
  • Ruler
  • Smith’s Food and Drug

Applicants should allow at least four weeks for a response to their request.

The DanPaul Foundation

The DanPaul Foundation was founded by Libby Moore Cornett in memory of her sons Daniel and Paul who drowned along with their father, Mike Cornett, and cousin Bobby Lee Heard when their sailboat foundered in December 1997.

The Foundation’s mission is based on a song lyric by Mike Cornett, “Teach them how to use the tools they’ll need in life.” Through their grants, they improve the lives of children by fighting abuse and neglect, promoting enrichment and growth, and encouraging them to care for the world around them.

Nonprofit organizations can Contact the Foundation at any time to express their interest in applying for a grant. Awards range from a few hundred dollars to $15,000 per year.


This grant is open to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in the United States. The organization’s activities may, however, take place anywhere in the world.

Program Areas

  • Workshops, conferences, and seminars – educational opportunities on early childhood development for teachers and parents
  • Student scholarships – financial assistance for students attending post-secondary education institutions
  • Scientific endeavors – science-based projects that hope to improve quality of life for everyone
  • Clean air and water – teaching youth about their responsibility for the environment and the issues facing the Earth’s air and water
  • Child advocacy – protecting children from abuse and neglect through education and assistance
  • Homelessness – encouraging youth to care for the homeless and underprivileged
  • Poverty and neglect – helping those in need and educating youth on their responsibility to care for their fellow humans
  • Refugee enrichment – helping refugee youth adapt to their new homes through education and enrichment

Ravi & Naina Patel Foundation

The Ravi & Naina Patel Foundation is working to help every human being achieve the happiness that is their birthright. They provide grants to nonprofit organizations around the world that align with their five core pillars and build strategic partnerships to make an even bigger impact.

Grant inquiries as well as your organization’s Form 990 should be sent to

Five Core Pillars


The Foundation is seeking programs that take different approach to the problem of homelessness. This includes both providing short term services and long term affordable housing solutions.


The Foundation believes in the power of education and supports organizations that help youth learn to be confident and lead joyful lives, as well as reading, writing, and arithmetic.


A healthy Earth to live on is foundational to all the other core pillars. To address the impacts of environmental destruction, the Foundation supports organizations that are designing innovative solutions and championing environmentally sound policies.


A nutritious diet can feed the body, mind, and spirit, but many people don’t have access to or knowledge of healthy food. The Foundation supports projects that are working to overcome food inequities, provide education, and promote more environmentally friendly farming.


The Patel family believes that spirituality is the true path to happiness and supports organizations that promote mindfulness and meditation.

KFC Foundation: Kentucky Fried Wishes

The KFC Foundation funds actionable, local level projects in the United States through the Kentucky Fried Wishes program.

Twenty-five grants of $10,000 are awarded each quarter in a different focus area. The next funding cycle will be May 1-31, 2024 for projects focused on Improving Health & Wellbeing.


This grant is open to organizations in the United States who:

  • Have a 501(c)3 nonprofit designation
  • Have maintained good standing with the IRS for 2 years
  • Work at the local level, either individually or as a chapter/affiliate of a larger organization

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may be used to:

  • Hire professional services necessary to complete the project
  • Purchase equipment necessary to complete the project

Grant funds may not be used for:

  • Salaries
  • Scholarships
  • Ongoing or recurring programs
  • Event sponsorships

Focus Areas

Improving Health & Wellbeing

Image by Marzena P.

Applications for Improving Health & Wellbeing will be accepted May 1-31. Potential projects include:

  • Creating a mobile health clinic
  • Playground improvements
  • Domestic violence shelter upgrades
  • Accommodations for individuals with disabilities

Expanding Access to Food & Shelter

Applications for Expanding Access to Food & Shelter will be accepted July 1-31. Potential projects include:

  • Remodeling a food pantry
  • Creating a community garden
  • Beautifying a community space
  • Repairing and renovating buildings

Caring for the Environment, Animals, & More

Image by Jill Wellington

Applications for Caring for the Environment, Animals, & More will be accepted September 1-30. Potential projects include:

  • Creating a permanent wildlife conservation exhibit
  • Purchasing a new vehicle for mobile vet clinic
  • Park improvements
  • Other reasonable requests not covered under any other focus area

Empowering Through Education & Training

This focus area is currently closed and a new funding cycle hasn’t yet been announced. Potential projects include:

  • Establishing a community-wide CPR certification program
  • Creating an after school literacy program
  • Creating a job skills training program for adults with disabilities

Coca-Cola Foundation

The Coca-Cola Foundation is investing in change around the world through grants and sponsorships of transformative ideas and institutions. More than $1.5 billion have been given to organizations focused on complex global challenges.

Currently, the Foundation is focusing on six Impact Areas: Sustainable Access to Safe Water, Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Preparedness and Response, Circular Economy, Economic Empowerment, Hometown, and Employee Giving. Requests for funding can be submitted at any time.


This grant is open to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in the United States and international groups with an equivalent designation in their country.

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may be spent on:

  • Salaries and benefits
  • Consultant fees and expenses
  • Administrative expenses
  • Other

The Foundation typically does not fund:

  • Individual scholarships
  • Programs primarily focused on nutrition, weight loss, or physical activity
  • Movies and television
  • Website development
  • Concerts or other entertainment type events
  • Local sports teams

Impact Areas

Sustainable Access to Safe Water

This area funds programs that present solutions for the 2 billion people globally who lack safe drinking water.

Climate Resilience and Disaster Risk Preparedness and Response

This impact area supports projects that help vulnerable communities adapt to the effects of climate change as well as providing direct relief to those impacted by natural disasters.

Circular Economy

A circular economy is one in which products are reused rather than disposed to alleviate the accumulation of plastic waste, in particular, in the world’s waterways. Grants in this area fund solutions to the 12.7 million metric tons of plastic that pollute our water each year.

Economic Empowerment

This impact area focuses on education, workforce development and entrepreneurship opportunities for disadvantaged communities.


Hometown projects build a more inclusive community in Coca-Cola’s hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. This is done through civic engagement, arts and culture, economic empowerment, education, and youth development.

Employee Giving

Coca-Cola employees in the United States donate both time and money in the communities where they live and the Foundation matches that support.

Kubota Hometown Proud Grant

The Kubota Hometown Proud Grant supports community-based projects in the United States. Ten $50,000 grants and ten $10,000 grants will be awarded through a review process followed by public voting. An additional Sweepstakes prize will be awarded to an individual who participated in the voting process.

Applications are due by April 12, 2024 at 11:59 PM CT and voting will occur August 1-14, 2024. Applicants must have an existing relationship with a local Kubota dealer or suggest a way for the local dealer to help, such as through the provision or maintenance of Kubota equipment. Final projects must also include signage with the Kubota logo.


This grant is open to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations located within 50 miles of an authorized Kubota dealer.

Selection Process


Kubota will review all applications based on:

  • Clearly demonstrated need for project (25%)
  • Timeline for completion and use of funds within one year (25%)
  • Statement of impact on the community (25%)
  • Existing or proposed relationship with a Kubota dealer (25%)

They will select 2 applications from each of 10 districts to move on to the public voting round.

Public Vote

The public voting period will be held August 1-14, 2024 during which anyone can vote once per day. The winner from each district will receive $50,000 and the runner-up will receive $10,000.


Each vote during the voting period equals one entry into the Sweepstakes. A single person may earn up to 14 entries. On or around August 21, 2024 a winner will be drawn who will receive their choice of a Kubota zero-turn mower or Kubota BX sub-compact tractor. 

Walmart Spark Good Local Grants

The Walmart Foundation supports projects in the communities where they operate through their Spark Good Local Grants. This program allows them to meet the unique needs of each community.

Applications for $250 – $5,000 are accepted and reviewed by store management on a quarterly basis. In 2024, open submission periods are:

  • Quarter 1: March 1 – April 15
  • Quarter 2: May 1 – July 15
  • Quarter 3: August 1 – October 15
  • Quarter 4: November 1 – December 31


This grant is open to:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofits
  • City, county, or state government entities
  • K-12 public, nonprofit private, or charter schools
  • Community or junior colleges
  • State or private colleges and universities
  • Churches or religious organizations

Eligible applicants must also:

  • Operate on the local level
  • Directly benefit the service area of the store to which they are applying
  • Be verified through Deed

Space Tool

This tool allows organizations to request space outside their local Walmart for fundraisers and community awareness campaigns. Requests must be submitted at least 21 days prior to the proposed date and cannot be for more than 8 consecutive hours on 3 days.

For-profit businesses are not eligible, but non-501(c)3 nonprofits are.

Robert Schalkenbach Foundation Progress of Ideas Grant

The Robert Schalkenbach Foundation supports research projects that carry on the legacy of 19th century economist and social reformer Henry George through their Progress of Ideas Grant.

Applications for up to $10,000 over 2 years are due by April 12, 2024. Grantees will be notified by May 13, 2024.


This grant is open to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations in the United States.

Potential Project Topics

Potential research topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Infrastructure spending
  • Public investment and value capture
  • Sprawl and suburbanization
  • Housing affordability, including gentrification and displacement
  • Native American and Indigenous land rights
  • Climate change
  • Influence of Henry George on Progressive Era history and politics

Project Deliverables

Following the completion of their research project, grantees will be expected to:

  • Participate in a one hour Zoom interview, to be recorded and shared as part of the Foundation’s video catalog
  • Participate in the creation of 2-3 short YouTube videos summarizing the research process
  • Submit an 800-1500 word essay, suitable for publication on the Foundation website and social media pages summarizing their research and its findings.

The Audacious Project

The Audacious Project is an initiative of TED, which supports bold ideas to solve urgent problems anywhere in the world. There is no minimum or maximum request amount, but past projects have had an annual operating budget of $1 million or more.

Ideas may be submitted on a rolling basis, but are reviewed in set cycles. The deadline for the current cycle is March 15, 2024. A select number of applicants will be asked to submit a full application from which 8-10 finalists will be chosen. Audacious will work with finalists to develop a multi-year plan, which will be presented to private donors.



This funding opportunity is open to any individual 18 years of age or old working with a nonprofit organization, NGO, institution, or a collaborative group of eligible organizations.


Audacious is interested in funding projects in a wide variety of topic areas from climate change to social justice and education to global health. All projects must, however:

  • Be bold and unique, challenging the status quo
  • Address an urgent issue
  • Have the potential to make a significant impact in a matter of years
  • Have evidence of that potential based on the applicant’s track record, demand for the project or solution, and sustainability
  • Have a vision for how this project will impact the world