Whole Kids Foundation Garden Grant

The Whole Kids Foundation was founded by Whole Foods Market to encourage kids to eat healthier. They understand that kids are more likely to eat foods if they feel connected to them. By learning about where food comes from and growing it themselves, kids become more adventurous and willing to try new things. The Garden Grants Program was created to help make those connections happen.

Grants of $3,000 are available for new or existing gardens that provide educational opportunities to K-12 students in the United States, US territories, and Canada. The grant portal will open on February 1, 2023 and close on March 1. Applicants will be notified by August 1, 2023 and checks will go out in September.

Past grantees who received their award in 2021 or earlier may reapply. Each school or organization may only receive two Garden Grants total.



The Garden Grant program is open to:

  • Public schools and public charter schools serving K-12 students. Early education sites are only eligible if they also serve older grades.
  • Private schools and private charter schools with an official non-profit status
  • Tribally controlled and Bureau of Indian Education schools 
  • Homeschool programs with an official non-profit status or a non-profit community partner to apply on their behalf
  • School districts
  • Officially recognized non-profits who have either partnered with a school or who provide programming to K-12 aged youth
  • Government and tribal entities who provide programming to K-12 aged youth


To receive a Garden Grant, projects must grow edible plants such as fruits, vegetables, and herbs and actively engage at least 10 youth on a regular basis.

Allowable Expenses

Funds must be spent on supporting an educational garden. Up to 30% or $900 may be spent to attend a garden training.

Funds may not be used for field trips, travel, or purchasing property.

Application Requirements

All applications must have

  • A community partner totally separate from the applicant school or organization. Partners are not require to provide financial support, but should be involved as volunteers, advisers, or through in-kind donations.
  • A signed letter of support on official letterhead from the School Principal or Executive Director of the applicant organization.
  • Garden photos which should include pictures of the space as it currently is and drawings of the proposed new garden or expansion of a pre-existing one.

Upcoming Webinars

The Whole Kids Foundation will be providing three webinars to help applicants.

Information Webinar for Schools – Wednesday, February 1st at 3 PM EST

Information Webinar for Organizations – Thursday, February 2nd at 3 PM EST

Q&A Webinar for All – Wednesday, February 15th at 3 PM EST

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