Transformative Care Agendas in the Global Majority

Transformative Care Agendas in the Global Majority is a program from the SAGE Fund. It supports projects that address the way the care economy is subsidized by women, girls, and gender nonconforming people at the expense of their own educational and professional goals. The lack of investment in care systems also negatively impacts those who need those services and who lose their agency and autonomy as a result.

SAGE expects to award 8-12 grants of $100,000 – $150,000 each for project periods of 12-18 months. Initial applications and concept notes are due by January 29, 2024 and must be completed in English. The Fund will then work with applicants on the short list to develop a full proposal.

Projects must focus on the Global Majority, which is defined as, “the group of people in the world who do not condier themselves or are not considered to be white.” More than 80% of the world’s population are part of the Global Majority.



This grant is open to legally registered charities or organizations who have designated a legally registed charity to serve as their fiscal agent. This may include:

  • Civil society organizations (including NGOs)
  • Community-based organizations
  • Worker organizations
  • Networks, coalitions, and partnerships
  • Research centers or think tanks in the Global Majority with strong links to activism


Image by Albrecht Fietz

Projects must take place in Africa, Asia, Latin America and/or the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).

SAGE is unable to fund projects in:

  • Afghanistan
  • Belarus
  • Cuba
  • India
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Russia
  • Syria
  • Ukraine (Russian-Occupied Territories)
  • Yemen



The Transformative Care Agendas in the Global Majority program aims to:

  • Promote the value and importance of care through public investment and support/provision from the state, community care, and for-profit institutions
  • Shift care systems to provide economic security and protections to care workers through labor laws, policies, and regulations
  • Strengthen coalitions within the care sector and with other movements (e.g. labor, feminist, migrant, and environmental) to advance a care agenda at all levels


Image by Sam Chen

Funded project should achieve at least one of the following:

  • Advance new models to support care systems and economies that increase the role of the state, invest in community care systems, and/or regulate for-profit care providers
  • Address structural barriers to care worker protections, such as economic security, safe working conditions, and social protections
  • Identify and engage with social movements to form alliances which can advance the care agenda
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