Snapdragon Book Foundation Grant

The Snapdragon Book Foundation was founded in 2008 to provide funds to school libraries serving disadvantaged children. Especially as funding for books is being cut, they want to ensure that all kids have quality reading options.

Applications are due by Sunday February 11, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Past awards have ranged from $500 to $20,000 and applicants are encouraged to request the amount needed for their projects. If unable to fulfill the entire amount, Snapdragon may offer partial funding. There is no matching requirement.


This grant is open to public, private, and alternative (e.g. charter or youth detention center) Pre-K – 12th grade school libraries in the United States and its territories. Applicants must serve disadvantaged youth, but there is not a minimum required percentage of low income students.

Public schools need only provide a link to their official website to confirm their eligibility. All others will need to upload IRS documentation designating them as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may be used to purchase:

  • Books to be used repeatedly by multiple children through a classroom or central school library
  • Reference materials for student use
  • Magazine or newspaper subscriptions
  • Processing or cataloging fees from book vendors

Grant funds may not be used for:

  • Books for individual students to take home and keep
  • Test-Prep books for SAT, ACT, or other entrance exams
  • Audio/visual equipment including audio books
  • Computers, eBooks, eReaders, iPads, software
  • Accelerated Reader subscriptions or quizzes
  • “Hands-on” materials like science experiment kits
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