Reducing Lead in Drinking Water Grant Program

The Reducing Lead in Drinking Water Grant Program from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency supports lead reduction projects in disadvantaged communities. Awards will be made in two National Priority Areas: Reduction of Lead Exposure in the Nation’s Drinking Water Systems through Full Lead Service Line Replacements and Treatment Improvements and Reducing Children’s Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities.

Applications are due by December 30, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Applicants may submit more than one application, but each application may only address one priority area. There is no cost matching requirement.


This grant is open to:

  • State and municipal governments
  • Interstate and intermunicipal agencies
  • Community water systems
  • Water systems in Native American tribal areas
  • Non-transient, non-community water systems
  • Qualified nonprofit organizations servicing public water systems

Program Objectives

Projects under this program should:

  • Benefit one or more disadvantaged community
  • Benefit a drinking water system with at least one lead action level exceedance within the last three years OR address lead levels in drinking water in schools/childcare facilities
  • Support the Justice40 Initiative

National Priority Areas

National Priority Area One: Reduction of Lead Exposure in the Nation’s Drinking Water Systems through Full Lead Service Line Replacements and Treatment Improvements

EPA expects to make 2-4 awards of $5 – $10 million for up to four years under this priority area. Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Replacing publicly, privately, or jointly-owned lead service lines (including goosenecks, pigtails and/or other lead components) and/or replacing partial lead service line remnants from previous partial replacement efforts.
  • Replacing galvanized pipes downstream of a lead service line.
  • Improving corrosion control to reduce lead in drinking water through installation or re-optimization of corrosion control treatment.
  • Developing and maintaining the drinking water system’s service line inventory to accurately track existing lead service lines and replacements of full or partial lead service lines.
  • Conducting risk mitigation and remediation follow-up monitoring, public education, and related outreach.

National Priority Area Two: Reducing Children’s Exposure to Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Childcare Facilities

Image by congerdesign

EPA expects to make 3-5 awards of $2 – $5 million for up to four years under this priority area.

Eligible activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Removing or replacing drinking water fixtures, fountains, or outlets determined to be sources of lead in schools and/or childcare facilities’ drinking water.
  • Replacing plumbing materials determined to be sources of lead in schools and/or childcare facilities’ drinking water.
  • Conducting follow-up monitoring, public education, and outreach.
  • Providing filters and replacement cartridges certified to remove lead.

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