JustPax Fund

The JustPax Fund supports projects that are establishing new paradigms for Economic, Environmental, and Gender Justice. In 2024, they expect to award up to $500,000 in grant funds.

Awards have typically been up to $25,000 for single year projects. Higher amounts and longer time periods are possible for extraordinary projects. Applications are due by August 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM ET.


This grant is open to:

  • Tax exempt organizations based in the United States
  • Individuals associated with a US-based tax exempt organization
  • Non-exempt organizations associated with a US-based tax exempt organization
  • International organizations associated with a US-based tax exempt organization

Anyone, regardless of profession, academic field, or organization type, who is passionate about pursuing justice is encouraged to apply. However, funding cannot be transferred directly to individuals or organizations without tax exempt status from the IRS

Funding Limitations

Applications for the following expense types are discouraged:

  • Salaries or institutional benefits
  • Operating costs for established programs
  • Tuition assistance
  • Endowments
  • Development campaigns


All submitted projects must be:

  • Novel and Innovative – Submitted programs must use unique and creative methods to address the issues of economic, environment, and gender justice.
  • Interdisciplinary and Action Oriented – Inclusion of diverse voices is key and plans to involve them should be outlined in the application. Projects are also urged to include actionable strategies that produce measurable results.
  • Endorsed by at least two letters of support from partner organizations.

Evaluation Criteria

All applications will be assessed based on:

  • Breadth – Potential to create interest in the topic among a wider audience.
  • The Multiplier Effect – Degree of ability to leverage additional resources to sustain the project, while taking into account negative and positive impacts.
  • Relevance – How pertinent the project is to the issues of economic, environmental, and gender justice and how novel its methodology is.
  • Dedication – Applicant’s personal interest in and commitment to the issue as demonstrated by past activities and long term intentions.
  • Stewardship and Impact of Investment – How effectively the proposal would use the requested funds.
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