Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants:
Capital Projects

The Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grants: Capital Projects program from the National Endowment for the Humanities awards matching funds for organizations to create and protect access to the humanities.

Three award levels are available, each with its own funding range, performance period, and matching requirement. Applicants have the option to submit a draft application to by April 5, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET. This draft review will not impact funding decisions but may prove useful for refining your submission. The final deadline is May 17, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.


This grant is open to organizations in the United States established as a:

  • Nonprofit with 501(c)3 status
  • Accredited public or nonprofit institution of higher learning
  • State or local government
  • Federally recognized Native American Tribe

Applicants must also work part or full time in the humanities and support humanities research, education, preservation, or public programming.

Award Levels

Level 1

  • Funding Range – Up to $150,000
  • Performance Period – Up to 2 years
  • Matching Requirement – 1:1

Level 2

  • Funding Range – $150,001 – $500,000
  • Performance Period – 2 – 5 years
  • Matching Requirement – 3:1

Chair’s Special Awards

  • Funding Range – $500,001 – $1 million
  • Performance Period – 2 – 5 years
  • Matching Requirement – 4:1

Chair’s Special Awards are for ambitious projects with the potential to have a significant, long term impact. They are rare with only one or two given per year.

Allowable Expenses

Capital projects under this program are intended for the purchase, design, construction, restoration, or renovation of facilities for humanities activities. This includes:
  • Hiring consultants
  • Planning and conceptual designs
  • Developing historic preservation plans
  • Site and infrastructure assessment
  • Equipment purchase and installation
  • Critical building systems (electrical, HVAC, utilities, security)
  • Fundraising (up to 10% of total project funds)

Funds may not be spent on:

  • General operating expenses
  • Indirect costs
  • Fellowships, scholarships, or stipends
  • Construction on buildings whose primary purpose is anything other than humanities activities
  • Projects that are not within the humanities
  • Lobbying

Matching Requirement

Applicants that meet general eligibility requirements must match their Challenge Grant with third party, non-federal funds at the ratios for each level discussed above. However, certain applicants are eligible for a 1:1 match regardless of their award level. These are:
  • Federally recognized Native American Tribes
  • Native Hawaiian nonprofit organizations
  • Historically Black Colleges and Universities
  • Tribal Colleges and Universities
  • Public or nonprofit Hispanic-Serving institutions of higher education
  • Public or nonprofit two-year community colleges

Matching funds do not have to be secured at the time the application is submitted. Fundraising can begin no more than five months prior to the May 17th deadline and continue through the performance period. Grant recipients are only required to have the funds to match the amount they will receive from the Challenge Grant for that year. For example, if you receive $25,000 in Year 1 and have a 3:1 match requirement, you will need $75,000 secured for that year.

Application Requirements

All applications must have:

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