Food Justice for Kids Prize

The Food Justice for Kids Prize from the Newman’s Own Foundation supports projects in the U.S. and its territories under two focus areas: Indigenous Food Justice and Nutrition Education and School Food.

Up to 10 applicants (5 for each focus area) will receive as much as $50,000 in 2024, with the chance to receive an additional $50,000 in 2025. Applications are due by June 11, 2024.


This funding opportunity is open to:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations
  • Organizations with a 501(c)3 serving as a fiscal agent
  • Federally recognized Native American tribes
  • Federally recognized Urban Indian Organizations
  • Public schools and school districts
  • U.S. governmental entities

Focus Areas

Indigenous Food Justice

For the purpose of this grant, ‘Indigenous’ means Native American, Native Alaskan, or Native Hawaiian. Projects must wholly or primarily benefit children 18 and under and may focus on:

  • Increasing access to and rematriation of affordable and nutritious traditional foods
  • Transferring control of food resources to Indigenous communities for the benefit of their children
  • Enhancing Indigenous children’s ability to respond to their needs for healthy, culturally relevant foods
  • Generally supporting food justice for Indigenous children

Nutrition Education and School Food

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

Projects under this focus area should support community-based direct service and sustainable practices. Projects must wholly or primarily benefit children 18 and under and may focus on:

  • Developing programs for children to learn about, grow, gather, and/or cook healthy, nutritious, culturally relevant foods
  • Ammending school policies and practices to increase access to healthy school meals
  • Generally supporting nutrition education and/or healthy school food

Newman’s Own Foundation Community Fund

Donations to the Newman’s Own Community Fund are pooled and used to award additional funding on a quarterly basis. Grantees are eligible to receive these funds which are awarded based on member votes.

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