Composting and Food Waste Reduction Cooperative Agreements

Composting and Food Waste Reduction Cooperative Agreements from the U.S. Department of Agriculture are available for an estimated $75,000 – $400,000. Projects must be 2 years long and based on a start date of January 31, 2025.

Applications are due by September 4, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. A 25% match of nonfederal money is required; this may be provided in cash, services, materials, equipment, or in kind donations.


Photo by Sippakorn Yamkasikorn:

This funding opportunity is open to:

  • Local governments
  • Special district governments (soil and water conservation districts, regional planning districts, landfill districts, etc.)
  • Native American tribal governments
  • School districts
  • Tribal organizations

Program Goals

Food Waste Reduction Goals

  • Reduce municipal food waste
  • Divert residential and commercial food waste from landfills

Composting and Conservation Goals

  • Create compost
  • Increase agricultural producers’ access to compost
  • Limit the use of chemical fertilizer by reducing reliance on it
  • Improve soil quality
  • Encourage waste management and permaculture business development.
  • Increase rainwater capture, infiltration, or absorption

Program Priorities

Photo by Eva Bronzini:

Priority consideration will be given to projects that include:

  • Ways to address environmental justice, racial equity, climate change, investment in underserved communities, and sustainable agricultural practices
  • Integration of food waste reduction strategies that take the EPA’s Wasted Food Scale into consideration
  • Expected economic benefits for the community
  • Plans to make compost easily available to community gardeners, school gardens, and other producers
  • Collaboration with multiple partners
  • Plans for monitoring and evaluating lessons learned throughout the project

Allowable Expenses

Funds may be use for:

  • Salaries and wages for employees of the applicant organization
  • Fringe benefits for the above employees
  • Travel 
  • Equipment 
  • Supplies
  • Consultants and contractors
  • Construction 

Applicants should use their negotiated indirect cost rate or the 10 percent de minimis cost rate.

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