The Holohil Grant Program provides transmitters from the Holohil product line at low or zero cost for endangered species research and educational work.
Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis; due dates are the 15th of January, April, July, and August. Email your application to for a chance at some or all of the $2,500 in product available each quarter.
This grant is open to anyone, scientists and non-scientists, from anywhere in the world.
Project Criteria
Holohil is looking for projects that:
- Make significant use of Holohil transmitters for data collection
- Advance scientific knowledge
- Contributes to conservation
- Engage/educate the public
- Involve underrepresented study species of high research or conservation value
Review Criteria
All applications will be reviewed based on:
- Need
- Project Design
- Public Education
- Scientific Merit
- Overall Scope
- Project Potential
- Urgency to study species
- Targeting under-represented species
- Targets a particularly remote/isolated location or is in an area of minimal current research
- Achievability