The U.S. Agency for International Development has issued an invitation to submit Concept Notes for projects to advance LGBTQI+ rights. Countries in the Global South and East where USAID has a presence are especially encouraged to apply.
USAID intends to issue up to three awards of $500,000 – $10 million over as many as five years. This is subject to change based on available funding and the quality of submissions. Concept Notes must be emailed to, with copied by March 15, 2024.
This invitation is open to nonprofit organizations in any country. Civil society organizations in countries where USAID has a presence are highly encouraged to apply.
Applicants may collaborate to submit a single Concept Note, but one organization should be designated as the lead applicant.
This funding opportunity is an addendum to the Justice, Rights, and Security (JRS), Annual Program Statement. It’s objectives are:
- Advance the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals and communities to access education, professional development, livelihoods, and employment opportunities
- Advance the rights of LGBTQI+ individuals to access quality basic health services, including mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS)
- Advance the ability of regional/multi-country organizations and/or coalitions to effectively respond to and counter anti-rights actors
Potential Activities
Project activities might include:
- Creating and distributing anti-bullying campaign materials and resources
- Determining key obstacles to employment for LGBTQI+ individuals and working with employers, trade unions, chambers of commerce, etc. to promote inclusivity
- Establishing and training peer led support groups
- Creating resources in local languages to help health providors better understand care for intersex, gender non-conforming, and transgender people
- Creating or supporting the creation of resources in local languages and contexts to counter the misinformation of anti-rights groups