Addax & Oryx Foundation

The Addax & Oryx Foundation is a Swiss-based nonprofit that supports projects to help communities in Africa and the Middle East escape from poverty in a sustainable way. Their efforts are focused on four core areas: Health, Education, Community Development, and the Environment.

Applications for assistance are accepted on a continual basis and reviewed 3-4 times per year. Submitted projects should have a clear beginning and end.


This grant is open to registered nonprofit, nongovernment organizations:

  • With experience and competence in the proposed area of work
  • With a demonstrated ability to effectively use funds
  • Who are working to eradicate the root causes of poverty in Africa and the Middle East
  • Who focus on at least one of the four core areas*
  • Who create a measurable impact
  • Who establish a sustainable operation through empowerment and skill building

*Preference is given to projects that address two or more core areas.

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may not be used for:

  • Ongoing programs
  • Religious or faith-based projects, programs, or organizations
  • Research as the project’s sole purpose
  • Professional conventions, conferences, or seminars
  • Travel expenses only
  • Administrative and operating expenses only
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