NPS-21st CCLC Greening STEM Grants

The 21st Century Community Learning Centers program supports local level activities that provide academic enrichment during non-school hours. This grant is a chance for units of the National Park Service to partner with those centers to implement STEM programming in low-income and underrepresented school districts. Grants are presented in collaboration with the US Department of Education and the National Environmental Education Foundation.

Applications for the 2023-24 school year are due April 30, 2023. Projects involving one 21st CCLC site may apply for $10,000 – $15,000. Projects involving more than one site may request up to $30,000. Funding is also available through NEEF for AmeriCorps VISTA placements at individual sites.


This grant is open to units of the National Park Service located within 2 hours of a 21st CCLC site. Applicants are also required to partner with:

Program Priorities

  • Expanding the capacity of partner NPS units and 21st CCLC sites to provide high quality program in alignment with their state education standards
  • Building a culture among 21st CCLC sites of using the environment as a resource for improving student learning
  • Increasing use of NEEF’s Greening STEM approach at 21st CCLC sites

Targeted Outcomes

  • Educators and students show understanding of STEM concepts and applications, scientific inquiry, and environmental monitoring processes
  • Educators are confident in their ability to lead environmental monitoring and citizen science activities/discussions
  • Students show confidence in their ability to participate in environmental monitoring and citizen science activities/discussions
  • Students show interest in participating in classes, activities, or discussions related to general STEM and/or environmental science
  • Students are motivated to pursue additional STEM-related classes, activities, and/or careers
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