The Business & Human Rights Accelerator is a six month program to assist businesses participating in the UN Global Compact as they establish a human rights due diligence process.
Participants may join the program through one of 50 In-Country Tracks which are conducted in the local language and time zone, a Regional Track in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, or a Global Track conducted in English. Applications are due by December 20, 2024 and the program will start in February 2025.
Businesses of all sizes are encouraged to participate in the Accelerator. To be eligible, they must be:
- Engaged with a Global Compact Country Network or willing to join
- Willing to identify human rights risks and impacts within their business operations
- Committed to developing an Action Plan to address the human rights risks identified
- Able to appoint two representatives to attend sessions and participate in events
- Able to appoint an executive-level representative to provide support and participate in high-level events
- Committed to completing the program and incorporating what they learn into their strategies and operations
Program Benefits
Accelerator participants will learn how to:
- Identify their responsibilities with respect to human rights and labour rights, as outlined in the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
- Establish an ongoing human rights due diligence process that conforms with international standards
- Prepare their organization for evolving human rights due diligence legislation
- Report and communicate on their human rights due diligence outcomes, including through the Communication on Progress, the annual public disclosure requirement for all UN Global Compact participants
- Connect human rights and the human rights due diligence process with social sustainability initiatives