Cisco Global Impact Cash Grant Program

The Cisco Global Impact Cash Grant Program supports innovative approaches to critial social challenges in four areas: Crisis Response, Education, Economic Empowerment, and Climate Impact and Regeneration.

Letters of Inquiry from eligible applicants are accepted on a continual basis. First time applicants may request up to $75,000.


This grant is open to organizations that:

  • Have a 501(c)3 nonprofit designation or their country’s equivalent
  • Serve an audience made up of 65% or more economically served people relative to the average standards of the target geography
  • Has overhead expenses of 25% or less. Exceptions will be made in exceptional and justified cases.

Public and private universities and for-profit entities may be considered for Climate Impact and Regeneration ONLY.

Funding Limitations

Grant funding may not be used for:

  • General operating expenses
  • Research
  • Events
  • Healthcare
  • Schools and scholarships

Evaluation Criteria

All applications will be reviewed based on:

  • Addresses a critical social challenge with unmet need
  • Incorporates metrics to measure program impact
  • Serves the underserved 
  • Makes innovative use of technology
  • Employs an innovative approach with potential for broad impact
  • Is designed to be replicable, scalable, and sustainable
  • Possesses outstanding leadership
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