NEA: Our Town Grant

Our Town, from the National Endowment for the Arts, supports projects that combine creative placemaking strategies with arts tactics to build stronger communities. Awards are $25,000 – $150,000 and require a 1:1 match of non-federal funds.

Part 1 of the application is due through by August 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Part 2 must be submitted through the NEA Applicant Portal, which will open at 9:00 AM ET on August 8 and close August 15, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET.


This grant is open to:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations
  • Nonprofit institutions of higher education
  • Local government entities
  • Federally recognized Native American Tribes

Applicants must have completed at least 3 years of art programming and have at least one partner. The partnership must include at least one nonprofit organization and at least one local governmental or quasi-governmental entity.

Project Design

Our Town projects pair creative placemaking strategies with arts tactics to create long lasting community change.

Creative Placemaking Strategies

  • Envision – Imagine new possibilities for overcoming challenges and solving problems or a new future for the community as a whole
  • Connect – Bring communities, people, and places together
  • Illuminate – Bring attention to community assets such as local history and cultural infrastructure
  • Energize – Bring new energy, resources, and people to a place or issue

Art Tactics

Photo by Kara Muse:
  • Arts Engagement – Activities such as artist residencies, arts festivals, public art, and performances
  • Cultural Planning – Activities such as identifying and leveraging community resources, creative asset mapping, and public art planning
  • Design – Activities such as artist-led community planning, creation of artist spaces, design of public spaces, and creative business development


Our Town projects should yield concrete, measurable outcomes such as:

  • Participation – Number and diversity of participants
  • Offerings/Deliverables – Number of arts offerings, cultural planning and design deliverables, or creative industry offerings
  • Quality – Quality of participation and quality of offerings/deliverables

Additional project outcomes include:

  • Economic Change – Improvements at the individual, community, or institutional level
  • Physical Change – Improvements to the built and/or natural environment
  • Social Change – Improved social relationships, greater civic engagement, and more community empowerment
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