Elevating Migrant Leadership: Building Inclusive Futures

The WES Mariam Assefa Fund is championing the rights of immigrants and refugees in the United States and Canada. Throught the Elevating Migrant Leadership: Building Inclusive Futures program, they are supporting projects that help give a voice to the voiceless.

Seven grantees will receive $100,000 over 2 years as well as access to capacity building and peer learning. Letters of Intent are due by March 25, 2024. Select applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal, due in June 2024.


This grant is open to 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations or organizations with a fiscal sponsor who:

  • Operate in the United States
  • Have a mission focused on assisting immigrants and refugees
  • Directly serve immigrants, refugees, or migrants who identify as Asian/Asian American/Pacific Islander, Black/African/African American, Latino/Latin American, Middle Eastern, and/or Indigenous
  • Have an operating budget of $3 million or less

Focus Areas

Submitted projects must focus on two of the following areas:

  • Narrative building – utilizing the voices and perspectives of immigrants, refugees, and migrants to change the prevailing narrative
  • Experiental learning – increasing the leadership capacity of immigrants, refugees, and migrants through applied learning experiences
  • Mentorship – forging relationships with mentors to provide guidance and introductions to networks

Evaluation Criteria

  • Goal and Program Alignment – does the project include two of the three focus areas and further the overall program goals?
  • Network Development for Leadership – are opportunities provided for community members to build relationships and learn from one another?
  • Representative Leadership – are members of the community and their lived experiences represented among organizational leadership?
  • Community-Informed and Democratic Approach – is feedback from the community welcome and used to shape the work?
  • Learning & Impact – does the organization adapt to changing community needs?
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