DOT Planning and Bridge Project Grants

Planning and Bridge Project Grants through the U.S. Department of Transportation fund projects to replace or repair bridges on the National Bridge Inventory (NBI).

Grants are awarded in two categories: Bridge Project and Planning. Applications for Bridge Project grants are due by March 19, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET; applications for Planning grants are due by February 19, 2024 at 11:59 PM ET. Award amounts vary by category, but all grantees must provide a 20% non-federal match. Applications should be submitted through


This grant is open to:

  • A state or group of states
  • A unit of local government or group of local governments 
  • A political subdivision of a state or local government
  • A Tribal government or consortium of Tribal governments
  • A metropolitan planning organization that serves an urbanized area with a population over 200,000
  • A special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function 
  • A Federal Land Management Agency (FLMA)
  • A multi-state or multi-jurisdictional group of entities as described above

Program Goals

The goals of the Bridge Investment Program are to:

  • Improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges
  • Improve the condition of bridges in the United States
  • Provide financial assistance that leverages and encourages non-Federal contributions from sponsors and stakeholders involved in the planning, design, and construction of eligible projects

Grant Categories

Bridge Projects

Bridge Projects should replace, rehabilitate, preserve, or protect one or more bridges on the NBI. They may also include bridge bundling and culverts.


Awards may not be less than $2.5 million or more than 80% of the total project cost. Total eligible costs may not exceed $100 million.

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may be spent on:

  • Development activities such as feasibility analyses, environmental reviews, and revenue forecasting
  • Construction, including environmental mitigation, equipment acquisition, and operational improvements
  • Protection, such as seismic or scour protection


All Bridge Projects must:

  • Demonstrate a reasonable expectation of beginning construction within 18 months of the award
  • Have preliminary engineering work completed
  • Address how the bridge will be maintained
  • Provide accomodations for pedestrians and cyclists


Planning grants are intended for preliminary work, such as feasibility analyses and revenue forecasting, to develop projects that would be eligible to apply for a Bridge Project grant.

There is no minimum or maximum award for Planning grants. However, the cost of the final bridge project must be at least $3.125 million.

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