USDA Solid Waste Management Grants

Solid Waste Management Grants from the USDA Office of Rural Development fund technical assistance and training for better planning and management of solid waste sites.

The USDA anticipates $4 million for this program, pending Congressional budget approval. There is no maximum or minimum amount and no matching requirement. Applications are due through by December 31, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET for projects running from October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025.



This grant is open to:

  • Public bodies
  • Nonprofits
  • Federally recognized tribes
  • Academic institutions

Applicants must have:

  • Experience with a program similar to the one proposed
  • The legal authority to provide training and technical assistance


Grant activities must take place in a rural area or town with a population of 10,000 or less. Special consideration will be given to projects serving:

  • An area with fewer than 5,500 or fewer than 2,500 people
  • Regional, multi-state, or national areas
  • Lower-income populations

Key Priorities

Image by Pasi Mäenpää

Applicants are encouraged to pursue projects that work towards:

  • Economic recovery for rural communities through through market opportunities and improved infrastructure
  • Ensuring that Rural Development programs are accessible and beneficial to all rural residents
  • Decreasing climate pollution and increasing climate resiliency through economic support for rural communities

Allowable Expenses

Grant funds may be used to:

  • Evaluate landfill conditions for potential threats to water resources
  • Provide technical assistance and/or training to improve management of active landfills
  • Provide technical assistance and/or training to reduce the amount of solid waste the community sends to the landfill
  • Provide technical assistance and/or training to prepare for the closure and future use of a landfill site

Grant funds may not be used to:

  • Duplicate, replace, or substitute for currently provided services
  • Duplicate assistance provided by the U.S. Forest Service
  • Pay for capital assets, real estate, or vehicles.
  • Pay for construction, operation, or maintenance.
  • Improve or renovate office space or repair or maintain private property
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