Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program

The Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program from the USDA Farm Service Agency is designed to address shortages in farm labor availability while improving the supply chain. It will also improve working conditions for both domestic workers and workers hired from northern Central American countries under the seasonal H-2A visa program.

Awards will range from $25,000 to $2 million based on the number of full time equivalent workers the applicant intends to hire and addition benefits and protections they intend to provide. There is no matching requirement, nor is preference given to applicants who provide matching funds.

Applications are due through by November 28, 2023 at 11:59 PM ET.


This grant is open to domestic agricultural employers who can meet the regulatory requirements for the H-2A program.

Program Goals

  • Goal 1: Drive U.S. economic recovery and safeguard domestic food supply by addressing current labor shortages in agriculture 
  • Goal 2: Reduce irregular migration from Northern Central America through the expansion of regular pathways 
  • Goal 3: Improve working conditions for all farmworkers

Application Types

Photo by Mark Stebnicki:

There are multiple ways to apply, based on the employer type.

  • Fixed-site Employer – Apply as an individual or individual business with a single site
  • Farm Labor Contractor – Apply as an individual or individual business with multiple sites
  • Joint Employers – Apply jointly with one main applicant and one or more sub-grantees each of who is responsible for program compliance on their own property
  • Association Joint Employers – Apply jointly with one main applicant and subgrantees who have agreed to share responsibility for compliance

Award Structure

Applicants may apply for a Baseline, Silver, or Platinum Level award.

FTE = Full Time Employees

Benefits and Protections


Photo by Mark Stebnicki:

Programs at all application levels must engage in Responsible Recruiting which includes all applicable federal, state, and local laws. If they choose to employ a private recruiter, they must be registered in the country in which they will operate, if possible, and submit a Recruiter Partner Level.

Silver and Platinum

To qualify for a Silver or Platinum level application, an applicant must commit to providing addtional benefits and protections as described below.

Responsible Recruitment

  • Silver – Recommended
  • Platinum – Required

Conduct recruitment via Northern Central American Ministries

Pay, Benefits, and Working Conditions

  • Silver – Choose at least two
  • Platinum – Choose at least three
  1. Overtime pay
  2. Bonus pay
  3. Paid sick leave
  4. Weekly Housing Maintenance Plan
  5. Collaborative Working Group
  6. Innovative External Partnership

Partnership Agreements

Image by Aline Ponce
  • Silver – Recommended
  • Platinum – Choose at least one
  1. Participation in a worker-driven social responsibility program
  2. Participation in a collective bargaining agreement
  3. Committing to neutrality, access, and voluntary recognition in unionization efforts
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