Yield Giving Open Call

Yield Giving, the philanthropic organization founded by MacKenzie Scott, has issued an Open Call for applications. Previously, they have directly contacted organizations with whom they wished to work and to whom they have given over $14 billion.

This open call is targeted to organizations that amplify the voices of the underprivileged and people who have faced discrimination. Two hundred and fifty organizations will receive a $1 million gift of unrestricted funds. Applicants must register by May 5, 2023 at 4 PM CT and submit a completed application by June 12, 2023 at 4 PM CT.


This opportunity is open to:

  • 501(c)3 nonprofits in the United States and its territories
  • Federally recognized Tribal governments treated as states

Eligible organizations must also have had an annual operating budget of $1 million – $5 million in at least two of the following fiscal years: 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Organizations and their local affiliates who have previously received funding from Yield Giving are not eligible.

Application Requirements

Video Submission

All applicants are required to submit a short video via YouTube. The video should:

  • Showcase your work
  • Share your vision
  • Be in English
  • Be captioned
  • Be no more than 90 seconds long
  • Not contain images of people who have not given permission
  • Not contain images of children without parental consent
  • Not include any copyrighted material


All applications must also have:

  • The three most recent consecutive audited financial statements
  • IRS letter of determination
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Any existing policies regarding conflicts of interest, whistleblowers, intellectual property, codes of conduct, etc.



After submission, applications will undergo Administrative Review and Participatory Review by other applicants. Up to 1,000 applicants who have received top ratings from their peers will advance to the Evaluation Panel Review in Fall 2023. Awardees will be announced in early 2024.


Applications will be scored on a scale of 1-5 on the following elements:

  • Equity-focused – Does the organization’s work focus on empowering the underprivileged and historically underrepresented?
  • Track record – Does the organization have a successful history of working with the target demographic?
  • Community leadership – Are members of the target community represented in the organization’s leadership and/or are they able to influence the work done by the organization?
  • Team capacity – Does the team have the required knowledge and skills for continued success?
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